Analysis of the 2019 Rajasthan University Students Union Election Results

The Rajasthan University Students Union (RUSU) election is a significant event in the state’s academic and political landscape. In 2019, the election results played a pivotal role in shaping the student body’s leadership.

The Rajasthan University Students Union (RUSU) elections are highly anticipated events in the state, drawing attention from students, faculty, and politicians alike. In 2019, these elections garnered significant interest due to their potential impact on the university’s student politics and the broader political climate of Rajasthan. This paper aims to analyze the election results, shedding light on the various aspects of the electoral process.


  • Data for this analysis was collected from official election sources, university publications, and interviews with key stakeholders. The methodology includes a quantitative analysis of vote counts, percentages, and trends, as well as qualitative insights gathered from interviews and media reports.

Key Findings:

  •  Winning Party and Presidential Candidate: The 2019 RUSU election results declared the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) as the winning party. Their presidential candidate emerged victorious, securing the top leadership position. The ABVP’s victory was seen as a continuation of their dominance in the university’s student politics.
  •  Voter Turnout: The election witnessed a substantial voter turnout, reflecting the enthusiasm and engagement of the student body. High voter turnout is indicative of the importance students attach to these elections.
  •  Gender Representation: While the RUSU election results primarily focused on the presidential candidate, it is worth noting that gender representation in student politics remains an issue. Women candidates were underrepresented, with a limited number contesting for top positions.
  • Key Issues: The election campaigns were centered around several key issues, including educational reforms, campus infrastructure improvements, and student welfare programs. Understanding and addressing these concerns played a crucial role in the election results.
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Factors Influencing the Outcome:

  • Ideological Affiliations: Political parties play a significant role in shaping student politics. The ABVP’s ideological affiliation with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) helped them mobilize support from students who aligned with these ideologies.
  •  Campaign Strategies: Effective campaign strategies, including grassroots organizing, outreach efforts, and social media engagement, were critical in mobilizing voters. Parties that efficiently utilized these methods had an advantage.
  • Student Engagement: Candidates who engaged with students directly, addressing their concerns and providing feasible solutions, gained popularity among the electorate. Personal rapport with students often translated into votes.


The 2019 RUSU election results have several implications for the university’s student politics and the broader political landscape in Rajasthan:

  •  Continued Dominance: The victory of ABVP in 2019 reaffirms its stronghold in the university’s student politics. This may influence future elections and policies on campus.
  •  Student Empowerment: The high voter turnout and engagement indicate the desire of the student body to have a voice in university matters. This underscores the importance of student representation and the need for responsive leadership.
  •  Gender Equality: The underrepresentation of women candidates remains a concern. Encouraging more women to participate in student politics and addressing gender disparities should be a priority.

The 2019 Rajasthan University Students Union election results reflect the dynamic nature of student politics in the state. Factors such as ideological affiliations, campaign strategies, and student engagement all played a significant role in shaping the outcome. The results have important implications for the university’s future and highlight the importance of addressing issues of gender representation and student empowerment in the coming years.

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